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Onwards to Primary 1...!

"How scary it must be for a 6-year-old to face many changes all in one day [first day of Primary 1]?"

This was our thought and the reason why we encourage parents of new Primary 1 students to arrange a transition period (for our After School Care Services) before school commences in January. We are now two weeks into December and with some of the new kids slowly joining us, the importance and benefits of this arrangement are definitely surfacing.

First, children aren't like adults, actually, it may have slipped off some of our minds that we have been trained over decades to be adaptable to changes! Just to name some changes: entering an unfamiliar environment (new school!!), new teachers, new friends (to add on, from a class of 15/20 to now 30?!), a new student care... With just these, how can we expect children to adapt smoothly and quickly?

Moving back a little, the idea of entering Primary 1 is an exciting event for most of the kids (new chapter, and hey I'm a big kid now!), but there may also be an element of fear due to the presence of the unknown... In fact, both "excitement" and "fear" trigger our sympathetic nervous system, causing the body to release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, and increasing heart rate and blood pressure. They also heighten sensory awareness and alertness. So whether we perceive an event as exciting or a fearful one, will be determined by how we interpret it mentally. How can we then provide assurances to the kids that it can be less scary and more FUN? (Ask me!!!)

Back to the benefits of a transition period, in FUN Commune, we value a nurturing environment that lifts everyone (yes, to both our kids and our FLAs aka our teachers). This itself is something that needs time and cultivation to be present. For the new kids, I have observed that adapting to the new space, knowing the do's and don'ts of the space, finding sense of belongingness, etc., all takes time and efforts to be built. I can only be proud to share that the few who have joined us last and this week are easing so well into the Centre that they are already treating this space like their home! How wonderful can this be??!

Supporting the kids to bridge between the demands of kindergarten and primary school is also a plus point for us. It is unavoidable that strong academics is crucial in Singapore's schools. Thus supporting children to slowly ease into the routine of "doing work" is also a crucial point of our transition with them. I was chatting with one of the new boys and he told me work is boring, why must he do it (he was drawing his Pokemon character on the worksheet.....!!!). I took some time to explain to him (and the rest who were observing us hahaha) that the work will help us to grow our little brains and strengthen us. And I definitely shared more with him why we were doing work, in a way that he is able to comprehend me :D This reminds me about how we reasoned with the older kids why we have to continue our assessment work during the school holidays (If you're interested to know our reasons, drop me a text!!! Truth is, they bought it :D).

Don't hesitate to ask me on transiting the children, or anything about preparing your child for Primary 1 next year. I'll be more than happy to share and support you because it may be your first-time and you may be at a loss, or even worried. This is why I am here, this is why FUN Commune is here :D

Sharing a picture of a sweet picture that one of the new boys drew me today, just look at that BIG heart <3



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